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I got nominated for Canada's Favourite Science Blog! (So, please vote for me).

Jasmine Janes

People's Choice Science Blog

I got nominated! This is pretty amazing!

For starters, I don't blog that often, I don't have thousands of followers on Twitter and I am not a long-established prof with a legacy of high-impact papers that people 'should' listen to. Relatively speaking, I'm just a regular ECR (early career researcher) trying to do some cool stuff, keep my head above water and throw a life-ring to others along the way. I have no idea who nominated me or how it happened. But, THANK YOU!

So, yes, this is pretty darn amazing!!

What happens now?? Good question!

How to vote:

People (i.e. you) are being asked to vote for your three favourite blogs and three favourite blogging sites that have appeared on Science Borealis. Voting starts today (Monday 17th September) and closes on the 29th September.

What's it all for and what do you win?

The vote for Canada's Favourite Science Blog is coinciding with Science Literacy Week. It's a neat way to celebrate science in Canada - yes, even the types that don't go to space - and maybe even learn something amazing. Follow along with #scilit18 and #CdnSciFav.

Whomever 'wins' (I'll argue we are all winners for taking the time to blog and getting nominated) gets kudos! That's right. There is no fancy money/gift prize. We just get to say that we wrote some awesome blogs that helped and/or educated people.

A plea to vote for me!

If you have enjoyed any of my blogs or found them helpful in some way, please vote for them.

Perhaps you liked the Lonesome Postdoc series. Maybe the NSERC black box, What to expect in international job interviews or the DECRA posts were really helpful. A lot of people found the results of the Peer Review series interesting. Or maybe you just related to the What are the personal odds or Let's talk about Academic mental health posts.

There's also plenty of other great blogs out there that are worthy of looks (they may or may not be participating). So, support your blogging community, get involved in Science Literacy Week, support Science Borealis... and hopefully vote for me ;-)

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