Trilogy Lab
tri-kingdom eco-evo

Jasmine Janes
Current highlights:
Associate Professor in Plant Biology at University of Northern British Columbia
I teach units in the areas of botany, evolution & genomics
I currently work and collaborate on projects ranging from speciation mechanisms in Platanthera, to dietary metagenomics in Vancouver Island Marmot, to conservation genetics of Hosackia pinnata
Associate Editor for Ecology and Evolution
NSERC Fellowships & Scholarships Evaluation Committee member
Historical highlights:
Assistant Professor in Plant Ecology/Genomics at Vancouver Island University
I obtained my PhD from the University of Tasmania (Australia) in 2010 after investigating the ecology, evolutionary relationships and conservation genetics of native orchids in Australia.
I was a postdoc at the University of Alberta (Canada) investigating the genomics of mountain pine beetles with Prof. Felix Sperling as part of the TRIA project.
I was a postdoc with Dr Rose Andrew at The University of New England (Australia) using genomic methods to understand woodland eucalypt speciation and diversification.
I was awarded a highly competitive 3-year The University of New England Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Honorary Research Associate at the University of British Columbia (Prof. Loren Rieseberg).
I have been employed by several government and NGO institutions. For example, I have worked at the Tasmanian Threatened Species Section, Royal Tasmanian Botanic Garden, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI), and the Government of Alberta to manage projects, develop policy, and help conserve biodiversity.
Adjunct at The University of New England (Australia)
Adjunct at the University of Northern British Columbia (Canada)
Councillor for the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution
Board Member for the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Foundation
Recipient of the 2020 Vancouver Island University Provost Early Career Research Excellence Award
Recipient of the 2023 Vancouver Island University Scholarship, Research & Creative Activity Service Award
Academic Editor for the scientific journal PeerJ