Trilogy Lab
tri-kingdom eco-evo

I have had the immense pleasure of watching these students on their scientific journeys:
Lizzy Schafers (2024)
BIOL 491 research project
Soil characterization & germination of Hosackia pinnata
VIU Project Pitch Award recipient​
Fletcher Falk (2024)
BIOL 491 research project
Comparative genomics of marmot mitochondria​​
Bryan Lamprecht (2024)
BIOL 491 research project
Conservation genetics of Hosackia pinnata​​
Emma Peterson (2024)
BIOL 491 research project
Distribution and specificity of Epipactis helleborine mycorrhizae
VIU Project Pitch Award recipient​
Milner Gardens & Woodland Undergraduate Research Award
Olivier Fournier (2024)
USRA recipient + BIOL 491 research project
Orchid crossing & seed viability
Controlled crosses of orchids to assess reproductive barriers against hybrid formation​
Thomas Champaigne (2024)
USRA recipient + BIOL 491 research project
Vancouver Island marmot habitat
Characterizing succession after tree removal in high alpine habitat​
Lizzy Schafers (2023-2025)
Research Assistant
Orchid germination & fungal culture
BC Parks Living Labs field assistant
Presentation at Pacific Ecology & Evolution Conference (PEEC) 2024​

Emma Peterson (2023-2025)
Research Assistant
Orchid germination & fungal culture
BC Parks Living Labs field assistant
Top five poster & infographic at VIU CREATE 2024​

Krystyn Forbes (2022-2024)
Research Assistant
Orchid germination & fungal culture
Meganne Harrison (2022-2024)
M.Sc. Student
Enhancing ecosystem service provisioning by natural enemies of arthropod herbivores in the agroecosystems of BC's northern central interior
Co-supervised with Dr Dezene Huber
University of Northern British Columbia
Mitacs Accelerate & BC Forage Council
Genevieve van der Voort (2022-2024)
M.Sc. Student (upgraded to PhD 2024)
Investigating floral visitor networks in black spruce communities
Co-supervised with Dr Dezene Huber
University of Northern British Columbia​
UNBC Graduate Entrance Scholarship
UNBC Research Project Award
2022 Graduate MUVE and P-IE: Pollinators 2nd place 10-minute paper (Entomological Society of America)

Moritz Plendl (2021-2022)
Undergraduate Research Project (BIOL490)
Morphometrics of Platanthera dilatata flowers across an altitudinal gradient
Vancouver Island University
Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC) second place 3 minute presentation prize, 2022​
VIU Student Travel and Research Award, 2022

Mac Barrera (2021)
Research Assistant
Fungal culture and maintenance
DNA extractions

Moritz Plendl (2021)
Canada Summer Jobs Research Assistant
Preliminary investigations ​of Platanthera transversa pollinators, nectar production & nectar composition
Morphometrics of Platanthera dilatata flowers
Vancouver Island University
Genevieve van der Voort (2021)
Preliminary investigations of Platanthera transversa pollinators, nectar production & nectar composition
Symbiotic germination testing among P. dilatata and P. stricta mycorrhizal isolates
Vancouver Island University​
Andy Spencer Legacy Award, 2021​

Madison Wagenaar (2020)
Research Assistant
Assembling, coding and testing Raspberry Pi camera units for diurnal and nocturnal observations
Vancouver Island University​

Genevieve van der Voort (2020)
Undergraduate research project (BIO 490)
Identifying diurnal and nocturnal pollinators of Platanthera dilatata using continuous video monitoring
Vancouver Island University
VIU REACH Award for research, 2020​
VIU CREATE Meritorious Infographic award, 2021
VIU CREATE Research Theme award, 2021 - Integrated Sciences, Technology & Environment
VIU CREATE Blue Ribbon Award, 2021

Amanda Friesen (2019)
Assisting with a metagenomics study of Vancouver Island Marmot diet
Vancouver Island University
Genevieve van der Voort (2019-2020)
Undergraduate research project (BIO 491)
Assessing floral visitors of Platanthera (bog orchid) and close relatives
Vancouver Island University
American Entomological Society Systematics, Evolution & Biodiversity BioQuip Products Undergraduate Scholarship, 2019​
VIU Biology Jane Watson Biology Conference Fund, 2019
VIU Student Travel & Research Award, 2020
VIU Biology David Gaumont-Guay Legacy Award, 2020

Cassandra Twiname (2019-2020)
Undergraduate research project (BIO 491)
Optimizing fungal isolation & storage protocols for North American orchids using the introduced Epipactis helleborine
Vancouver Island University
Co-supervision with Dr Caroline Josefsson
Milner Gardens and Woodland Undergraduate Research Award, 2019 ​
VIU Student Travel & Research Award, 2020
Second Place Poster Presentation, Pacific Ecology & Evolution Conference (PEEC), 2020

Momena Khandaker (PhD - current)
Assessing hybrid stability in Eucalyptus magnificata
The University of New England, Australia
Co-supervision with Dr Rose Andrew & Prof. Jeremy Bruhl
Third Place Poster Award, Eucalypt Genetics Conference, 2019
Joyce W. Vickery Research Fund from the Linnean Society of NSW, 2020

Khawla Alwadani (Master of Scientific Studies - completed 2017)
Eucalypt chloroplast genome assembly
The University of New England, Australia
Co-supervision with Dr. Rose Andrew

Stephen AL Trevoy (MSc - completed 2018)
Mountain pine beetle linkage map development
University of Alberta, Canada
Co-supervision with Prof. Felix Sperling